Choosing an Internet Service Provider, otherwise known as an ISP, can be a daunting task. There are many factors you need to consider to make sure you get the most out of working from home. Following this guide while making your decision should help you narrow down your options and go with the best available option.

How Do I Choose an ISP or Service Plan?

Ultimately, this is up to you, but when selecting an Internet Service Provider and a plan, we recommend considering these three factors:


Some areas don’t have many options. Once you start doing research, you might find that your options are limited to only two or three ISPs. In fact, in some areas, you might only be able to find one! Before anything else, find out what your options are so you can make the best choice that works for you.


Ask your coworkers what service provider they use and the plan they’ve selected for working from home and what their experience has been. You can also look up reviews of ISPs online to help you make an informed decision about the quality of service and support they offer. It may seem obvious, but the last thing you want is an internet connection that does meet the speeds they advertise or a connection that cuts out multiple times per week with no explanation.


Try as best as you can to prioritize speed. Remember that while 25 Mbps up and 12 Mbps down is the bare minimum, 100 Mbps down and 25 Mbps up is the recommended speed to start with. Check out our article about the recommended speeds for more information. Try to get as close to the recommended speed as you can, and remember that it can’t hurt to go with even faster speeds if you can afford it!

When looking at plan speeds, try to prioritize upload speed as well as download speed. ISPs love to emphasize your download speed and overlook upload speed, but upload might actually be more important than download when working from home. For more information about that, check out this article: Why Upload Speed Matters.

Considering availability, reliability, and speed should help you narrow down not only what ISP to buy service from, but also which of their plans is best for you. As long as you consider these factors (especially the 100 Mbps download/25 Mbps upload speeds we recommend), you should be able to find a reliable internet connection that will facilitate the best remote work possible.