Nothing drives adoption quite like necessity. A couple years ago, we needed telecommuting to get our work done at all. Now, even while many people are returning to the office, telecommuting looks to be here to stay. Over the course of 2022, we shared some helpful tips on how to make the most of working remotely, from how to attend virtual meetings like a pro and keeping your computer connected to the company network all the way to setting up your home office and internet connection for the best remote experience possible. We’ve collected those tips here for future reference, so you can always get the most out of your telecommuting experience.

How to be Virtually Perfect at Meeting Virtually

In Virtual Backgrounds and Meetings Best Practices, we discussed how to conduct virtual meetings with clients and coworkers alike. When you use backgrounds, it’s important to use a company-branded one for meetings with clients, but with coworkers you can cut loose a bit more. We also covered meeting etiquette, like setting aside time to test your equipment beforehand, dressing well for virtual meetings, how to interact with the camera, muting your microphone when appropriate, and more. We also talked about what equipment to look into, like microphones, webcams, and lighting.

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Crafting the Ideal Home Workspace

In Peripherals and Ergonomic Best Practices, we went more in-depth about equipment. We covered what the IT Department can provide you with and support and what you’ll have to bring to the table and take care of yourself. We also discussed getting the most out of your microphone. Finally, we covered the ergonomics of the ideal workspace and how you can set up your home office to get your work done comfortably.

Maintaining Security from Home

In VPN Best Practices, we talked about using the VPN to establish a secure connection from home, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. We covered how to use the VPN, when it’s needed, and how often to connect. Remember to connect at least once a week, since your laptop needs to use the VPN to get crucial software and security updates from IT!

Your Internet Connection

One of the most important aspects of working from home is your home’s internet connection. In the article Your Home Internet Connection, we covered – you guessed it – just that, focusing on the speeds the apps you use every day need and what IT recommends and the sort of support we can offer you. In Wireless vs. Wired, we talked about the two types of connections you can have at home: Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. We also went into detail about what kind of wireless connection and cable is best for each one.

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Upload Speed

Most importantly, in Why Upload Speed Matters, we discussed the often overlooked – but extremely important – half of your internet speed statistics. We covered what upload means for the programs you use, why you want to shoot for the best upload speed you can, and how to achieve it.